Go Local
Go Local! Local services for Loughborough Students
The quickest way to find everything a student in Loughborough might need, whether it’s a cheap takeaway, a taxi into town or a book for your university course. Go Local! points you in the direction of student services in and around Loughborough and Loughborough University.
Housing in Loughborough
DASH Services - Raising Rented Housing Standards - [Link]
Student Advice and Support Service - [Link]
Big Guide to Living off Campus - [Link]
Guidance how to rent - Government guide is for people who are looking for a house or flat to rent - [Link]
Charnwood Borough Council - Council Services guide - [Link]
Local Guides in Loughborough
The Best of Loughborough - [Link]
Loughborough Travel Guide - [Link]
Loughborough Students Union - [Link]
Love Loughborough - [Link]
Discover Charnwood - [Link]
Local Media in Loughborough
Loughborough Student Union Radio, TV, and Lable magazine - [Link]
The Loughborough Echo - [Link]
Services in Loughborough
Charnwood Borough Council - [Link]
Transport in Loughborough
National Express - [Link]
National Rail Enquiries - [Link]
East Midlands Railway - [Link]
Trent Barton Buses - [Link]
Kinch Bus - [Link]
Guest Houses, Hotels, Bed & Breakfast in Loughborough
The Link Hotel - [Link]
Burleigh Court - [Link]
Elite Athlete hotel - [Link]
Travelodge - [Link]
Premier Inn - [Link]